Hawker and Peddler Licence Application
Attention: The business information set out on this form is public information and will be released to any person who makes a request for it.
Personal information is protected under the following legislation: In accordance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.56, Section 28(2), this is to advise you that the personal information collected on this form will ONLY be used for the proper administration to process a business licence application.
Requirements and fees:
Stationary Food Truck Permit
- Resident (Proof of Residency Required)
- Non-Resident
Choose a location (have a back-up in case it isn’t approved)
Contact The City of St. Catharines Planning and Building Services Department, Zoning Section, at 905.688.5601 Ext. 1636 or Ext. 1637 and confirm that the zoning of the property permits the operation of a business (at the location you wish to operate at).
After this location has been approved by Zoning, we will require the following:
- A completed application with a copy of your Master Business Licence and/or Articles of Incorporation (if applicable)
- A valid TSSA inspection Certificate (if applicable)
- Letter of Permission from the Property Owner (if operating on private property),
- Signed Lease Agreement (if you wish to operate on City Property)
- A detailed site plan – would need to include if you plan on having tables, chairs or picnic tables
- This can be hand drawn as long as it includes proper measurements such as distance from sidewalks, roads, where cooking instruments will be located and tents
- Photograph of food truck or vendor cart
Please Note: Additional fees per location per square foot, are applicable when operating your business on City Owned Property; the minimum additional fee per location is $600.20. Proof of insurance naming the Corporation of the City of St. Catharines as the additional insured, is also required.
Please keep in mind that this application will be reviewed by not only the Planning and Building Services department, but also our Traffic department to ensure that there would be no sight line issues, depending on your chosen location. Your application may require approval from the Region if it's located on a Regional Road. There is always the possibility that the application could be denied.
Note that any payment will need to be made after your application is has been processed.